“its a great way to she a link to the article you’ve written,” Alana Taylor.
- Microblogging is an instant messaging journal.
- Can be done by texting, instant messaging, e-mail, digital audio or by posting to the web.
- Compared to being in a big room with lots of people you like and that like you and everyone is discussing on the topic.
Twitter is the most popular.
- ability to maintain constant connection with others with out direct communication
- ability to maintain constant connection with many people at once unlike e-mail or the phone
- each update is significant and important information to someone
It is important because:
- keeping the public updated
- different ways to be “intouch” with the news and events of the world
- can be a form of emergency information to the public
- its effective for immediate breaking news
- its away to broadcast what we’re doing
- its away to keep people safe
Microblogging is away to:
- Keep the public as a unity
- its immediate so the people are constantly being updated and can be up to speed on the world
- its away to keep faithful followers; by giving back without taking too much.
Build your Network:
- Find people to follow
- follow others and they can follow you back
- new posts will appear on your twitter and update your followers and your friends, others can see this and then follow you too
- When you find others with good information follow them and share with your friends, they can see this and then will follow you
Having nothing to say:
- You can not have nothing to say
- Twitter only has 140 characteristics available…
- This forces you to post the most important info
- Include a link so if they would like they can see the whole story
Say your words