Telling Stories with Video
Impact of digital video:
- youtube
- the only way to learn is to do
- make your mistakes as quickly as possible
- can tell a better story than writing
- perfection is not necessary
- great sometimes takes too long for what the story deserves
- quick and unpolished video content on news sites often draws bigger audiences
- very common to not be perfect anymore
Plan your video and Go
- Use different approaches for different projects
Breaking News:
- you rarely know in advance what the story will be
- you only know news is happening
- for breaking news you probably wont get to breaking news, like a crash or a shooting you wont be there
Full documentary:
- you have more control so its easier
- a lot more planning
- recommend story boards
Highlight clips:
- especially in sports
- constant movement of the subjects
- lighting and zoom can be challenging
Storyboard- a visual sketch of the story, separated into different parts so it can be organized.
- pictures help define
- realistic expectations
- forces you to think about eh focus of the story
- the main idea you want to get across
- no artistic talent is necessary
- you can always update your storyboard after the fact
Mix your Shots
- some close
- some far away
- some in the middle
- zoom with your legs not with your lens
- focus on wide, medium, and tight shots
- wide-angle shots
- medium shots
- close-ups
Build five shot sequences
- close-up on the hands- shows the needle applying ink to the woman’s skin
- close-up on the face- shows the man’s concentration
- Wide shot- shows the two together and a view of the room where this takes place
- over-the-shoulder shot- shows the view that the tattoo artist has of the process
- creative shot- shows the room from behind a table (another look at the main subject)
Each shot should be steady
Learn effective video interviewing:
- the interview- basic form
- simple process
- easy to mess up if you don’t plan
- first step is to select the right location
- have several questions pre-written
- dont speak during the interview while the person is talking no “uh-huh” or “I see” or “really”
Shooting good video:
- Focus- camera will focus automatically, better than you most likely can
- Zoom- set the zoom before you begin
- Exposure- most cameras have automatic exposure, gives you the perfect lighting in most cases
- Aim solid, not spectacular, clips- hold shots, be silent while shooting, avoid panning and zooming.
- Keep it short and sweet
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