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Briggs Chapter 5

Going Mobile

Learning how to:

  • What kinds of stories lend themselves to mobile reporting
  • What technology you need
  • How to use selected mobile publishing services for text, photographs, and video
  • How professional news organizations use mobile to complement their existing publishing platforms.

Mobile Journalism

Journalism is not journalism until published. mobile journalism makes this immediate.

Mobile media is a tool everyone can use, it is as useful as a swiss army knife. It has so many purposes.

The audience is going mobile so journalism must go mobile as well.

  • Makes easy to cover things more effectively and clearly
  • need a tool to capture and produce content
  • away to connect to the internet so you can publish it


  • iphone
  • blackberry
  • nokia N95
  • full backpack with a camera, tripod, audio recorder, microphone and a laptop with a 3G wireless internet card.

Bottom Line:

  • Keep it simple
  • dont lug more equipment than you can handle to cover the story
  • dont ever try and use a device your not familiar with
  • be perpared

Choose your Story:

  • Go somewhere interesting
  • first hand is always interesting
  • audience expects to see it here and now

Gearhead- job is to be out and about and report minute to minute

Light packer- traditional journalist, just enough equipment to get the job done.

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Briggs Chapter 4


“its a great way to she a link to the article you’ve written,” Alana Taylor.

  • Microblogging is an instant messaging journal.
  • Can be done by texting, instant messaging, e-mail, digital audio or by posting to the web.
  • Compared to being in a big room with lots of people you like and that like you and everyone is discussing on the topic.

Twitter is the most popular.

  1. ability to maintain constant connection with others with out direct communication
  2. ability to maintain constant connection with many people at once unlike e-mail or the phone
  3. each update is significant and important information to someone

It is important because:

  1. keeping the public updated
  2. different ways to be “intouch” with the news and events of the world
  3. can be a form of emergency information to the public
  4. its effective for immediate breaking news
  5. its away to broadcast what we’re doing
  6. its away to keep people safe

Microblogging is away to:

  • Keep the public as a unity
  • its immediate so the people are constantly being updated and can be up to speed on the world
  • its away to keep faithful followers; by giving back without taking too much.

Build your Network:

  • Find people to follow
  • follow others and they can follow you back
  • new posts will appear on your twitter and update your followers and your friends, others can see this and then follow you too
  • When you find others with good information follow them and share with your friends, they can see this and then will follow you

Having nothing to say:

  • You can not have nothing to say
  • Twitter only has 140 characteristics available…
  • This forces you to post the most important info
  • Include a link so if they would like they can see the whole story

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Briggs Chapter 3

This chapter is not how to use any particular technology, its about how to use a wide range of technologies to knock down barriers, the bring your readers closer to journalism and to bring journalism closer to the readers.

New Reporting Methods:

  • Crowdsourcing– The internet allows communities to come together a provide value for a Web site. Crowdsourcing focuses that community power together on a specific project- shows that that group can outperform a small group of trained professionals and paid professionals.
  • Open-source reporting– open source refers to design, development and distribution. Giving practical accessibility to the product’s sources (the goods and the knowledge). Using this in journalism means using transparency- away that you can provide benefits to the audience and the audience can provide benefits to you.
  • Pro-am Journalism– most unfiltered form of collaborative journalism- allows audience to publish to the same platform, or wed-site that the professional journalists publish on. This helps produce broader and more in depth coverage.

Crowdsourcing: Distributed Reporting

  • comes from outsourcing
  • the power of community
  • improves service and information base
  • “many hands make light work”
  • Reporting to a specific project
  • Answering specific question
  • Very powerful tool for reporting news

Crowdsourcing is Important because:

  • widely differing results
  • It’s not a one size fits all approach
  • Can have thousands of contributions
  • Hearing from the readers
  • but does not work in all situations

Open-Source Rrepoting

  • Today: news organization’s journalism MUST BE transparent, authentic and collaborative.
  • Blogs and Twitter are good open-source reporting will not replace traditional journalism- but not the object it just bring the reader closer to the journalism and the journalism close to the reader- WHICH is the point
  • Discloser of invited the reader to help with the reporting on the story

Why its important:

  • Welcomes the audience’s feedback.
  • Opening the process of reporting helps the journalists credibility and social capital.

Beatblogging: blogging

  • Concept: build a social network around a traditional reporting beat.
  • a reporter can get into beat more deeply by listening to an informed conversation among loyal readers.

Link Journalism:

  • links power the web
  • interactive form of information medium
  • easy access to sources and documents or other coverage.
  • great content with out hunting for it yourself

Pro-am Journalism

  • do it yourself
  • sometimes readers want to do reporting too
  • no news organization can be everywhere
  • readers can provide the “what” and the “why” sometimes too
  • the power of the crowd and readers is very powerful and never ending information

Collaborative Publishing is here to stay:

  • is not a fad
  • a way to do better work news organizations must have the power of the crowd to be more efficient, more transparent and more effective.

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Video Conference

George Allen

Senate is like being on the board of directors.

Governor is like being CEO of that state.

  • make sure tuition stays low
  • saved average family 4400$ by lowering tuition
  • both governor and senate get things done to be beneficial to their country or state, both have very good intentions

Every Vote counts! – Like a sporting event- every point counts, one single point can decide whether you win or lose the big game- on vote can decide if you win or lose the election.

The difference between states government and national, is states have budget requirements. Which means they cannot print their own money. national should have budget requirements too, it would prevent a lot of dept.

Talked about new media for his campaign

  • Virginia needs education to be a higher priority.
  • Tuition is too high for low and midlevel incomes.
  • 2 kids in college is a big struggle

Isreal & Egypt = Alies

  • 4 pillars in a free country
  • freedom of religion
  • freedom of expression for men and women
  • private ownership of property
  • rule of law- fair/distribution of god given rights

Strives to keep tax off the internet.

Death benefits to those lost in serving our country to their families.

  • -surviving families
  • -wants it to go from 12,00 to 100,000 (my thought, is that even possible?)

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Briggs Chapter 2


What is a blog?

*frequently updated web page- most resent to least resent

*Posts- have a headline and body. Usually has a link or photos

*Not all blogs-but most- allow for moments by readers.

Blogs are usually first information- can be uploaded from almost anywhere. Exploded after 9/11, people talking about their thoughts and feelings on the terrorist attacks.

Blogging has changed journalism. Blogging removed the constraints of time and space between a journalist, and their audience.

The competition to have blogs read, is unbelievable.- Its a competition, if your blog isn’t read, its your fault.

Make a blog- conversationally friendly. A blog is a fresh, and new way to find ways to cover your beat.

Blogs are also away to keep people updated on “true” local news. – Your way of supplying your friends and others close to you with news, that they can’t get on tv or googling whats going on.

To become a blogger:

Your have read blogs to have a successful blog. (scan)

As i read other blogs-take note what works and what doesn’t.

-Note ways to incorporate the best elements into my own blog.


Blog jargon- pg. 49

My new blog created on google. Everybody Loves Morehead

Put the reader first-

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Briggs Intro and Chapter 1

Journalism is not dead. But growing. Only in a different way.

The web has changed out world in many ways. The journalism world is no different. Mark Briggs explains in his intro to Journalism Next, just how much journalism is still alive.

Briggs explains that newspapers papers grew 123% in just 20 years with new technology.

Now with the web, I personally would bet writing, news, and journalism grows 123% in a week! That’s just my guess!

Briggs explains with this new form of journalism, are many job opportunities.

  • New job titles
  • roles
  • responsibilities
  • Readers still want to read! Just not exactly on paper.

Briggs explains in the intro that it is very important to find new ways to inform and connect, stay ahead, inform properly=readers.

Chapter One

Now this was a lot of information I had no idea about. And I thought that I grew up with the internet!

I love this quote from pg. 9 of Chapter one in Journalism Next:

  • “Previous generations of journalists-and other workers in all industries- had the luxury of expecting some supergeeks in their organizations to take care of the digital duties for them. For better or worse, those days are gone.”

Briggs tells us that we now have to learn the ropes of the web and find the supergeeks in our own selves. I learned a lot about RSS Really Simple Syndication. I had no clue what this way, i had heard people talk about it, but never knew it was something that i could use or would come in handy for me either. However, especially in this class, i need to learn how to use this thing.

Chapter one explains how to use the web in the most beneficial way possible- for a journalist. How to set up an RSS- which i think im going to have to get someone to show me- im a hands on learner. Among how to use google and yahoo to your advantage. Web design basics. Scare me, reading this is something i need to learn hands on. However i find it very useful to have a step by step book to help me learn how to do the things we need to learn for our careers.

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Online Journalism Pyramid

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